Day19はdjango/response.pyのclass HttpResponseBase

class HttpResponseBase:
    An HTTP response base class with dictionary-accessed headers.
    This class doesn't handle content. It should not be used directly.
    Use the HttpResponse and StreamingHttpResponse subclasses instead.

    status_code = 200

・status_codeはhttpにおける状態のこと、200 OK。

    def __init__(self, content_type=None, status=None, reason=None, charset=None, headers=None):
        self.headers = ResponseHeaders(headers or {})
        self._charset = charset


        if content_type and 'Content-Type' in self.headers:
            raise ValueError(
                "'headers' must not contain 'Content-Type' when the "
                "'content_type' parameter is provided."


        if 'Content-Type' not in self.headers:
            if content_type is None:
                content_type = 'text/html; charset=%s' % self.charset
            self.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
        self._resource_closers = []
        # This parameter is set by the handler. It's necessary to preserve the
        # historical behavior of request_finished.
        self._handler_class = None
        self.cookies = SimpleCookie()
        self.closed = False

・'Content-Type' がインスタンスのheadersになかったら、
self._handler_class = None
self.cookies = SimpleCookie()
self.closed = False

        if status is not None:
                self.status_code = int(status)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise TypeError('HTTP status code must be an integer.')


            if not 100 <= self.status_code <= 599:
                raise ValueError('HTTP status code must be an integer from 100 to 599.')
        self._reason_phrase = reason



class HttpResponseBase:
    An HTTP response base class with dictionary-accessed headers.
    This class doesn't handle content. It should not be used directly.
    Use the HttpResponse and StreamingHttpResponse subclasses instead.

    status_code = 200

    def __init__(self, content_type=None, status=None, reason=None, charset=None, headers=None):
        self.headers = ResponseHeaders(headers or {})
        self._charset = charset
        if content_type and 'Content-Type' in self.headers:
            raise ValueError(
                "'headers' must not contain 'Content-Type' when the "
                "'content_type' parameter is provided."
        if 'Content-Type' not in self.headers:
            if content_type is None:
                content_type = 'text/html; charset=%s' % self.charset
            self.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
        self._resource_closers = []
        # This parameter is set by the handler. It's necessary to preserve the
        # historical behavior of request_finished.
        self._handler_class = None
        self.cookies = SimpleCookie()
        self.closed = False
        if status is not None:
                self.status_code = int(status)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise TypeError('HTTP status code must be an integer.')

            if not 100 <= self.status_code <= 599:
                raise ValueError('HTTP status code must be an integer from 100 to 599.')
        self._reason_phrase = reason